Who We Are
Irvine Yates commenced trading in October 2017. I am grateful to all clients who have entrusted this firm with their legal disputes and without whom this firm would not be where it is today.
Having trained and worked in medium sized city litigation firms I saw that there was an opportunity to deliver city law firm quality services in the outer sector. I have clients who worked with me before 2017 and therefore had little difficulty in staying with me in the move. A number of clients took a blind leap of faith away from the comfort of their usual medium sized law firms to work with me in a ‘High Street’ firm.
Within Irvine Yates I have had the freedom to truly focus on what I believe gives clients the best outcomes in litigation. It goes without saying that legal skill is the bare minimum of what is required. My focus is on putting a client’s case at its highest and seeking to do that in a way that is proportionate to the value of the dispute, the issues in the case and the client’s availability of funds.
I take most satisfaction from my work when a case has been put at its highest and pursued in a cost proportionate way.
That does not mean cheap. Litigation is expensive and there is no escaping that fact. I always encourage clients to conduct the litigation in a way which brings value. I understand that clients would want to take each and every point in their case however, I can often be heard saying “if we cannot win a case on the best three points then we are unlikely to win it with the weaker twenty points; but they will all cost money to pursue.” Therefore, unless there are commercial and justifiable reasons to make all the points, it is proportionate to litigate on the strong points. This allows the parties and the Judge to focus on the central issues and contains costs to a proportionate level.
I cannot pursue litigation in a cost proportionate manner on my own. Clients can often help themselves in the process. Solicitors charge for each letter and each phone call on a time spent basis. This is often not understood by clients who are inexperienced in litigation. They can reduce their own costs, often by 20%, by making sure they use their solicitor appropriately. Common examples of cost increasing behaviours being: asking the same question multiple times, asking questions where they already have the answer in earlier letters and sending multiple emails in response to the same issue.
Pursuing litigation on a cost proportionate and efficient basis is a joint responsibility which is borne by the solicitor and the client. We are also dependent on the opponent adopting the same mindset.
Irvine Yates will always work in the way that meets the client’s preference, and I do not want to discourage clients from contacting a solicitor in the way they wish to. We will answer multiple emails and calls but Irvine Yates will charge and proportionate costs might then not be achieved.
I am grateful to all past and current clients for entrusting Irvine Yates with their disputes and look forward to continuing with my service to them. If you are visiting this site as a potential future client, and you consider that our aims are aligned, I encourage you to make contact and see how we can be of service to you.
Best wishes,
Kate Irvine-Yates